
Session Application

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1. How to Application
Download Application form ¡æ Submit by e-mail (

Download Forms

2. Sessions for whom
Arctic-related organizations such as international research institutes and universities
3. Running Time
Up to 2 hours (included Presentation, Discussion, Q&A, etc.)
Applications are only accepted for unoccupied time slots at the event, not for confirmed appointments

Program at glance

4. Session Format
Off-line or Hybrid(Zoom/MS Teams)

* Required when applying for a session, and cannot be changed after applying
** All participants in the session must use the same session format

5. Program
(Topics) Content can be organized around Arctic issues such as Arctic policy, governance, economics, environment, socio-culture, etc.
(Speakers) At least 2 presenters(overseas) per session

* Required to provide information such as name, affiliation, job title, email, and contact number

6. Language
English or Korean

* Indicate if you need an interpreter when filling out the application