
Sustainable Day

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Korean Network for the Arctic Cooperation

Date : Dec 12th (Thu.), 2024, 10:00~13:30
Venue : Room 203+204
Host : MOFA
Organizer : Korea Maritime Institute
Participation : MOFA, KoNAC, Rolf R©ªdven(AMAP executive secretary)
Time Contents Remarks
10:00-10:05 5 Opening -Host: Yena Park, Senior Researcher, Korea Maritime Institute
10:05-10:25 20 Presentation - Rolf R©ªdven, AMAP executive secretary
- Addressing Climate Change and Pollution in the Arctic: Long-term Contributions by Observer States
10:25-10:30 5 Break
10:30-11:30 60 Roundtable - Chair: Minsu Kim, Deputy President, Korea Maritime Institute
- Discussants: Representatives from each Working Group
- Key Issues for the 2024 Working Group
11:30-12:00 30 Open Discussion All Participants
12:00-13:30 90 Working Group Lunch Meetings

Observer Seminar

Date : Dec 12th (Thu.), 2024, 14:00~16:00
Venue : Room 203+204
Host/Organizer : Korea Maritime Institute
Participation : Shanghai Institutes for International Studies , National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, Hokkaido University, Aix-Marseille University, Nanyang University
Time Contents Remarks
14:00-14:05 5 Introduction Moderator: Korea Maritime Institute
14:05-14:15 10 Welcome Remarks Ambassador for Arctic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea

Presentations & Dicussion

14:15~14:25 10 Presentation 1 - (China) Zhao Long, Professor, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies
- The transformation of the Northern Sea Route development: challenges and opportunities
14:25~14:35 10 Presentation 2 (online) (India) Manish Tiwari, Scientist E, National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research
14:35~14:45 10 Presentation 3 (Japan) Fujio Ohnishi, Associate Professor, Arctic Research Center, Hokkaido University
14:45~14:55 10 Presentation 4 (online) - (Germany) Veronica Willmott Puig, Deputy Head, International Cooperation Unit, Alfred-Wegener-Institute
- EU POLARIN: Gateway to Polar Research Infrastructures
14:55~15:05 10 Presentation 5 (online) - (France) Sebastien Gadal, Professor, Aix-Marseille University
- Addressing Arctic Climate Change: Technological Innovations in Spatial Observation and Environmental Modeling
15:05~15:15 10 Presentation 6 (online) (Singapore) Kei Koga, Associate Professor, Nanyang University
15:15~15:25 10 Presentation 7 (Sweden) Thomas Neidenmark, Senior Polar Research Officer, Ministry of Education and Research
15:25~15:55 30 Discussion Q&A - Chair: Minsu Kim, Deputy President, Korea Maritime Institute, Ocean Economy Strategy Department
- Discussant: Sung Hoon Jeh, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Professor
15:55~16:00 5 Closing

Arctic Humanities and Social Science Seminar

Date : Dec 12th (Thu.), 2024, 9:30~12:30
Venue : Room 201
Host/Organizer : Korean-siberian Center at Pai Chai University; Graduate School of Northern Logistics at Incheon National University; Polar Research Center at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies; Arctic Research Association
Theme : Sustainable Coexistence of the Arctic and Humanity
Time Contents Remarks
09:00-9:30 30 Reception Host: Kwak Song Woong, Professor, Pai Chai University

[Session of succeeding generation]

Host: Bongchul Kim, HUFS Jean Monnet EU Centre, Professor/Managing Director
9:30-10:00 30 Presentation 1 - Ms. Okhlopkova Sanaaia, Graduate School of Northern Logistics at Incheon National University
- A Longitudinal Analysis of Deconcentration Process for Logistics Companies in the Shaka Republic and Russia
Presentation 2 - Ms. Nikolaeva Daria, Graduate School of Northern Logistics at Incheon National University
- Toward Sustainable Arctic Shipping: An Investigation of Technological Approaches Using the Importance-Performance Analysis
10:00-10:30 30 Opening - Opening speech:¡¡Joung-hun Kim, Professor/Director, Korean-Siberian Center at Pai Chai University
- Congratulatory address: Hyoung-chul Shin, President, KOPRI
- Welcoming speech: Byung-ha Chung, Ambassador for Polar Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
10:30-10:40 10 Coffee Break

[Expert Session]

Host: Wooik Choi, Polar Research Center at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Professor/Director
10:40-12:10 90 Presentation 3 & Discussion - Hyunkyo SEO, Ph.D, Korea Polar Research Institute
- A study on research cooperation with Arctic indigenous group - focusing on Inuit people
- Debater: Hyuk Jeong, Senior Researcher, Polar Research Center at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Presentation 4 & Discussion - Seungdo Ra, Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
- Sad Tundra: Russia¡¯s Arctic Indigenous Peoples in Recent Documentary Films
- Debater: Yongtek Ke, Ph.D, Russia Research Center
Presentation 5 & Discussion - Kyusung Bae, Professor, Pai Chai University
- Shifting Paradigm in the Arctic Cooperation
- Debater: Junghun Yang, Professor, University of Suwon
12:10-12:30 20 Comprehensive discussion Host: Subeom Choi, Ph.D. Vice-Head, Northern Logistics Educational Cooperation and Human Resources Development Program Group at Incheon National University
12:30   Closing Joung-hun Kim, Professor/Director, Korean-Siberian Center at Pai Chai University

Korea-Arctic Blue Economy Cooperation Seminar

Date : Dec 12th (Thu.), 2024, 14:00~16:30
Venue : Room 201
Host/Organizer : Arctic Economic Council, World Economic Forum, Ministry of Education and Research, Swedish Research Council, Korea International Trade Association, LG Electronics, KT Submarine
Time Contents Remarks
14:00-14:05 5 Opening - Host: Danbi Um, Senior Researcher, Korea Maritime Institute
- Opening Remarks: Mads Qvist Frederiksen, Executive Director, Arctic Economic Council l
14:05–14:20 15 Special Lecture · Young-seok Kim, Director, LG - ±è¿µ¼® ½ÇÀå, LGÀüÀÚ
14:20-14:50 30 Presentation: Submarine Cable (in person) · Yisoo Kim, Team Leader, Former KT Submarine(Korea)
- Topic: Arctic submarine cable route
· LisaOlsson, Manager, Swedish Research Council
- Topic: Polar Connect: Creating connectivity between the EU and East Asia
14:50-15:00 10 Q&A
15:00-15:10 10 Break
15:10-15:40 30 Presentation: Green shipping (online) · Sangtae Han, Senior Manager, HMM
- Topic: Arctic Route & Green Shipping
· Matte Asmussen, Center Director, World Economic Forum
- Topic: Impacting the Arctic: Tackling Shipping Decarbonization globally to reduce GHG emissions
15:40-15:50 10 Q&A
15:50-16:20 30 Presentation: Green Hydrogen (online) · Hyunsuk Jang, Team Leader, Korea International Trade Association
- Topic: Green hydrogen - The Future of Clean Energy
· Umji Kim, Director, Korea Maritime Institute
- Topic: Hydrogen Energy and Korea-Arctic Cooperation Strategies
16:20-16:30 10 Q&A
16:30-   Closing